Empowering men to achieve their potential, 4:13 Strong opeates under the simple and powerful belief that every man deserves an opportunity to do great things.
Men live on campus during our 6-8 month program. We’re involved in their daily lives, and create a safe, supportive environment for them to live and learn.
We train men on essential life skills, including financial literacy, work readiness, and Bible study. We also organize service projects and adventure outings.
Men get the vocational training they need to start a new career, with an opportunity for full-time employment and a steady paycheck after completion of the 40 Day Challenge.
We support men as they work toward saving an emergency fund and buying a car with cash, so they’re on on their way to financial independence.
5214 Maryland Way, STE 301
Brentwood, TN 37027
Office: 615-835-3122
Fax: 615-309-6303
Cell: 615-351-8880