Annual client pheasant hunt

2024 Vessell and Associates Pheasant Hunt

Jerry Vessell and a group of clients traveled to South Dakota for the Annual Vessell & Associates Pheasant Hunt
Our South Dakota pheasant hunting trip was concentrated on a variety of CRP grasses, food plots, corn, sorghum, native prairie land, tree belts, and cattails. This prime pheasant habitat created a bountiful environment for ring neck pheasants as well as excellent shooting conditions for our experienced wing-shooters. The incomparable staff and experienced pheasant hunting guides positioned us in the midst of multiple flushes of wild South Dakota ring neck pheasants. Our hunts included lodging, 3 meals per day plus snacks, professional experienced guides, top notch bird dogs, sporting clay range, bird processing, bird packaging, and transportation.

2024 413 Strong mentoring and support

Empowering men to achieve their potential, 4:13 Strong opeates under the simple and powerful belief that every man deserves an opportunity to do great things.
Men live on campus during our 6-8 month program. We’re involved in their daily lives, and create a safe, supportive environment for them to live and learn.
We train men on essential life skills, including financial literacy, work readiness, and Bible study. We also organize service projects and adventure outings.
Men get the vocational training they need to start a new career, with an opportunity for full-time employment and a steady paycheck after completion of the 40 Day Challenge.
We support men as they work toward saving an emergency fund and buying a car with cash, so they’re on on their way to financial independence.

Decennial Scotland Golf Trip

About every ten years (Decennial) Jerry Vessell invites a group of clients to visit Scotland to golf at the Royal Dornoch Golf Club. The following are highlight photos from the last trip.

Vessell & Associates
will work with you to meet
your financial goals
A financial strategy is meant to protect you and your family from a variety of risks. As you work to construct your strategy, be sure to think broadly about the financial risks you face today, or may face in the future. When you think about how how to protect your livelihood from certain risks, or how to build the financial resources needed to live your life as you wish — there is a set of questions you may be considering:
    • Who depends on me today, and who might depend on me tomorrow?
    • Am I on track to retire?
    • Who is providing for my dependents now?
    • What risks have I overlooked or not fully considered?
    • Are my financial strategies fexible enough?
    • How do I pick the right financial professional to work with me?
    • How do I pick the right financial services company to work with?
    •  What if I already have a retirement strategy?
    • What is the downside of putting this all off?
    • So what am I waiting for?
Vessell and Associates

5214 Maryland Way, STE 301
Brentwood, TN 37027
Office: 615-835-3122
Fax: 615-309-6303
Cell: 615-351-8880 

Jerry Donald Vessell is licensed to offer life insurance in the following states: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Illinois, and Tennessee.
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